The COVID-19 pandemic has accelerated digital transformation and highlighted the importance of digital technologies in generating new economic opportunities in such areas as healthcare services. The crisis has also widened existing gaps and disproportionately affected those already economically marginalized.


Therefore, it is vital to ensure the inclusiveness and sustainability of the post-pandemic recovery in the region. An Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) regional workshop, Sustainable Investment to Enhance Digitally-enabled & Inclusive Recovery: Paradigms & Capacity Building in Precision Health,

will be hosted by  Chinese Taipei .

The workshop is endorsed by the APEC Investment Experts’ Group (IEG), and co-sponsored by 7 APEC member economies

 (Chile, Indonesia, Japan, Mexico, New Zealand, South Korea, and United States).

Workshop Highlights

The purpose of this workshop is to support capacity building by sharing paradigms on how sustainable investment can enhance inclusive recovery through digital innovation, with a principal focus on precision health, which critically relates to recovery. For example, ESG-qualified investments in virtual healthcare, which makes use of artificial intelligence technologies, can help develop smart hospitals to minimize disruptions in healthcare systems and economic activity, and achieve inclusive and resilient recovery. 

To make the most of the Workshop, click on the topics listed below: